Set Colier Femei Lucrat Manual Ajustabil
Set Colier Femei Lucrat Manual Ajustabil
Stoc redus: doar 5 articole rămase
Acest colier lucrat manual adaugă o notă de eleganță oricărei ținute. Fabricat cu măiestrie rafinată și materiale de înaltă calitate, este atât durabil, cât și elegant. Perfect pentru orice ocazie, este un accesoriu obligatoriu pentru colecția de bijuterii pentru orice femeie. Ridică-ți stilul cu acest colier frumos.
Dimensiune 1: 38cm+5cm
Dimensiunea 2: 40cm+5cm
Dimensiunea 3: 45cm+5cm
Vă recomandăm să evitați expunerea la apă pentru a preveni deteriorarea bijuteriilor considerate neprețioase.
The goods arrived very quickly. All as described. The product was well packed. Look very beautiful and cute. I advise the seller.
Exactly as the publication, I loved the model and the design. Arrived in a timely manner. I recommend it widely
Necklace was nice, as expected for the money. I do appreciate how fast it arrived. Quality is satisfactory
Duge Garna
The goods arrived very quickly. All as described. The product was well packed. Look very beautiful and cute. I advise the seller.
Exactly as the publication, I loved the model and the design. Arrived in a timely manner. I recommend it widely
Necklace was nice, as expected for the money. I do appreciate how fast it arrived. Quality is satisfactory
Duge Garna